Help Define Aging in Los Angeles
Take the Survey: Purposeful Aging:
Our goal is to make the Los Angeles region the most age-friendly in the world. Your input and suggestions will help us get there. Go to PurposefulAgingLA.com to take the Survey!
Purposeful Aging Los Angeles (PALA) will prepare the Los Angeles region for a rapidly aging population through an innovative, sustained initiative that unites public and private leadership, resources, ideas, and strategies. PALA will improve the lives of older adults and Angelenos of all ages. We need your help! #LACounty and #LosAngeles residents can help change the future of aging in our region by taking our survey at PurposefulAgingLA.com. #PurposefulAgingLA
Age-Friendly Communities allow older adults to “age in place”– through increased access to open spaces, expanded transportation options, better housing options, improved health services etc. #PurposefulAgingLA wants your help on making #LACounty and #LosAngeles age-friendly. Take our survey at PurposefulAgingLA.com.