

Local business that help provide friendly services to our aging population in the Foothills.

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Since 1993

ASTER Update

ASTER is a non-profit established over 5 years ago. As a founding member ASTER started to make great strides in reaching out to the senior citizen community throughout the Foothills.

Robbyn has stepped back in as President after a 2-year hiatus. "I have great plans for ASTER and can't wait to turn some of my ideas into motion."

ASTER so far this year has taken over the running of Crescenta Commons, a small pocket park Robbyn was instrumental in getting built and physically worked on-site for months. Hundreds of volunteers donated money and time to build this wonderful site. ASTER hopes to feature, gardening classes for seniors as well as a grandparents reading circle program in connection with the neighboring elementary school, Monte Vista.

Future plans for ASTER will include a Connections the generations series, Veterans and your spouse's rights to benefits, a joint gardening education and maintenance club through the help of La Crescenta Library and a series on cooking for one or two Healthy and on a budget.

We will also be filling 4 additional Board positions over the next few months.

If any of this sounds interesting please reach out to Robbyn Battles. 818-249-7492 or  Asternetwork@gmail.com